Saturday, 10 June 2017

Australian High Commissioner Roderick Brazier visited Guadalcanal Western Weather coast

Guadalcanal Premier Anthony Veke and Australian High Commissioner Roderick Brazier walking to Paila Village: Photo Supplied

Australian High Commissioner, Roderick Brazier made his first visit to Tangarare and Paila villages in Weather coast of Guadalcanal on Thursday 8th June 2017.

A media statement from the High Commission office said Mr Brazier was accompanied by Guadalcanal Premier, Anthony Veke.

 He was given a traditional welcome at Tangarare village on their arrival.

The statement said, in a meeting at Tangarare Provincial Secondary school with the students, chiefs and community leaders, Mr Brazier discussed the final withdrawal of RAMSI and assured the people of the ongoing corporation between Australia and Solomon Islands in security and development.

“Although RAMSI is leaving, Australia remains your close friend and neighbour, and our commitment to Solomon Islands is as strong as ever,’ Mr Brazier said.

He answered questions from an enthusiastic audience about Australia’s Direct Aid Program, Australia Award Scholarships and the Labour Mobility Scheme.

Australian High Commissioner Roderick Brazier, center with Guadalcanal Premier Anthony Veke, seated to his right, with Paila community members. Photo Supplied

The Australian High Commissioner also visited the Tangarare Area Health Clinic that has solar powered lights thanks to an Australian Direct Aid Program project.

Clinic staff told Mr Brazier that without the support of the Australian Government, night-time delivery of babies would be far more difficult for staff and mothers alike.

In Paila Village, Mr Brazier and Premier Veke were hosted by the Paila Community Learning Centre, an initiative supported by the Australian government.

Mr Brazier was shown the students’ work including coconut oil, woven bags and clothing.

Australian High Commissioner Roderick Brazier viewing coconut oil produced by the Paila Community Learning Centre. Photo Supplied.

The Paila community discussions again focused on Australia’s intention to continue the support to the people of the Solomon Islands through development programs and security support.

The media release stated, The Australian High Commissioner told the community that Australia will continue to work with the Solomon Islands Government to improve the lives of all Solomon Islanders, including those in rural and remote areas.


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